Candidates for the Secretary-Treasurer Position

/, Members/Candidates for the Secretary-Treasurer Position

Election now closed

 Eapen Picture George Eapen
I am profoundly honored to have been nominated to this leadership role. As I review the list of my fellow nominees, I am completely reassured that our fledgling organization will be well served by any of the choices. We have come a long way over the last several years and as the old Sinatra song goes, “The best is yet to come.” Over the last few years, …….more 
 Wes Shepherd Wes Shepherd
I am extremely honored to be considered for the position of Secretary-Treasurer on the executive committee of the AABIP. I highly value my involvement with this organization over the last several years and serving as a member of the Board of Directors during an unprecedented time of accomplishments and growth of this field. During my time……more
 machuzak Mike Machuzak
Thank you for considering me for the position of AABIP secretary-treasurer. In the past 4 years, I have served on the board of directors (BOD) and as the Eligibility Review Committee (ERC) Chair. These experiences have allowed me to gain insight into many aspects of this organization that will assist me in future leadership roles. I have…..more
 lamb Carla Lamb
It is with both enthusiasm and appreciation that I approach my nomination to run for the position of Secretary-Treasurer of the AABIP. This is an organization that I believe in and one that I have dedicated the last 12 years in serving and supporting on many levels as a voting member, a member of the Board, the education committee creating online reading lists for board preparation, the editorial board, chairing of the annual post-graduate course, teaching in the hands-on sessions, participating….more


Associate Professor, Department of Pulmonary Medicine, Division of Internal Medicine, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX

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