IP fellows Boot Camp

Dear Friends, Faculty and Staff,

WE did it!! The IP fellows Boot Camp was a huge hit with the “flipped classroom” approach —-with precourse online curriculum which our faculty each contributed to followed by an IP overview with the entire spectrum of IP procedural offerings utilizing low and high fidelity models and donor cadaver models—to create a unique educational experience that will serve them well as they begin their respective IP fellowship programs —-we successfully hosted 23 IP fellows representing nearly all of the programs in the country. The learners preferred this model of teaching and describe has being on of the “best courses yet”. The hard work on each level from our administrative staff, clinical technicians and nurses, faculty, and simulation center set the stage for success. We hit it out of the park! I have never been more proud nor more appreciative of the talent that came together for this very important day of training.
Here’s to a productive new academic year!

Carla Lamb, MD, FACP, FCCP
Director of Interventional Pulmonology
Lahey Hospital and Medical Center

Director of Interventional Pulmonology at Lahey Hospital and Medical Center

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