2015 Billing and Coding Symposium Videos Now Available to Purchase

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The AABIP Billing and coding symposium for pulmonary procedures was held in Montreal Oct 24th at the Marriott Courtyard. For those unable to attend, the symposium was videotaped and the lectures are available to view for a fee.

Topic Speaker
Introduction Momen Wahidi
Principles of billing Scott Manaker
Procedural billing Momen Wahidi
Other billing Kim French
How procedures get new codes Kevin Kovitz
Case discussion Tom Gildea
Purchase 6 months of access to the video taped presentations:
$100.00 USD
$80.00 USD
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Example Screen Shot

  • To pay with your Paypal Account choose:  “Pay with my PayPal account”
  • OR
  • To pay with a debit or credit card choose: “Pay with a debit or credit card, or PayPal Credit”

You will then be returned to a page that has the download link. You will also get an email with the link to download the file.

Dr. Otis B. Rickman is an Associate Professor of Medicine and Thoracic Surgery at Vanderbilt University Medical Center and Director of Interventional Pulmonology in Nashville, TN.

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