Message from AABIP President, Dr Momen Wahidi

/, Announcements, Members/Message from AABIP President, Dr Momen Wahidi
Momen Wahidi
Momen Wahidi

It is an exciting time for interventional pulmonology (IP) and advanced bronchoscopy procedures. The value of IP skills is now crystal clear to our patients and institutions and there is no longer a need for us to explain what interventional pulmonology is and what we bring to the table. As stated in the newly redefined mission of AABIP, we are here to advance the care of patients with thoracic diseases through synergy of innovative technologies, minimally invasive procedures, and transformative education and research. Beyond the recognition, there is now a true sense of momentum and excitement that we, as AABIP members, can harness our collective energy to advance the field by….more

Dr. Otis B. Rickman is an Associate Professor of Medicine and Thoracic Surgery at Vanderbilt University Medical Center and Director of Interventional Pulmonology in Nashville, TN.

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