A Message to Advanced Bronchoscopy Members

//A Message to Advanced Bronchoscopy Members


Dear Friends and Colleagues,

The AABIP is a diverse organization that prides itself on an inclusive membership comprised of interventional pulmonologists, advanced bronchoscopists, general pulmonologists interested in pulmonary procedures, thoracic surgeons, advanced practice providers, and trainees.

Over the last three years, in an effort to advance the field as a whole, we focused on urgent issues in interventional pulmonology (IP) such as IP Board Certification Examination and IP Training Programs Accreditation Standards. In doing so, we may have unintentionally neglected some of our other valued membership groups, particularly the advanced bronchoscopists. The AABIP leadership would like all members to know that we are wholeheartedly committed to representing the interests of all our members.

As part of this effort, we are evaluating new initiatives for the advanced bronchoscopists and seeking your input. We are forming a task force of AABIP members who are advanced bronchoscopists and willing to engage in a dialogue with the AABIP executive committee about their needs. This will be done via weekly conference calls over the next 2 months. Areas of focus may include customized educational offerings, certification of advanced skills, certification of endoscopy suites and practice management issues. More importantly, we will rely on you to bring to light any other issues that need our focus and attention.

Your participation in this task force is crucial! Please email me with your interest and include your CV at: momen.wahidi@duke.edu. If you do not have time to participate in the task force, you are welcome to send me ideas and suggestions.

The AABIP is committed to the advancement of bronchoscopy, pulmonary and pleural procedures, and interventional pulmonology. With your support, we will get there!


Momen M. Wahidi, MD, MBA
President, AABIP



Submit an email to Momen W. Wahidi. Be sure to include your CV.


Since its founding in 1992, the American Association for Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology has been a unifying source for information regarding the fields of Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology.

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