President's Message Regarding the 3rd Annual AABIP Conference

Dear Friends and Colleagues.

We hope that this message finds you and your families safe and well. The AABIP is aware and deeply appreciates the sacrifices you making to take care of patients under the extraordinarily trying circumstances that we find ourselves in today. We want you to know that as an organization, the AABIP is remains firmly committed to the health and welfare of our members and our patients.

From the very early part of this pandemic, the AABIP has sought every opportunity to support our members and the field of Interventional Pulmonology in general. We have presented educational webinars and encouraged the sharing of information to the best of our ability. We are also collaborating with other organizations to issue procedural guidelines based on best available evidence in multiple different arenas.

As we assess the uncertainties of the months ahead, it has become increasingly clear that the pandemic is plateauing with the plausible threat of a second or even third wave of infections following the inevitable loosening of restrictions on interpersonal interactions required for economic recovery. After much deliberation, including formal electronic polling of our membership, the AABIP Board of Directors has decided to cancel the planned 3rd Annual Conference that would have been held in Tampa on August 13th to the 15th, 2020. While we know that our membership looks forward to this annual conference where we get a chance to meet up with old friends, make new ones and exchange ideas in a convivial and collaborative environment, we feel that the risks of travel and mass gatherings at this time is just too much to proceed as previously planned. Despite the significant financial loss our organization will suffer from the expenses already incurred, we have taken this decision reluctantly because we feel that it is the socially responsible thing to do.

The AABIP is currently exploring options for conducting an interactive virtual conference that will possibly incorporate some of the desirable aspects of our annual conference. We will be sending you more information as the plans are firmed up. In the interim, we would urge you to stay engaged in the following ways and more:

  1. Via social media.
  2. Participate in our monthly webinars.
  3. Reach out to the AABIP leadership with any ideas you may have for collaborative projects.
  4. Volunteer to participate in committees that interest you.

Always remember that the strength of our organization lies within each one of us. Our mission to advance the field of Interventional Pulmonology remains as important as ever and any challenges that we face along the way can only serve to make us stronger. As long as we move forward in unison through these dark times, we will emerge in triumph eventually.

May Almighty God continue to keep you and your families safe.

Very Respectfully,

George Eapen

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